A multinational client invites 100 managers to its HQ in Milan every year, where they attend presentations on inter-cultural understanding. My task – over several years – has been to capture the insights of the presentations in a humorous and memorable way.
It’s important to me that my pictures reflect the environment where they’re drawn: of course there’s no lack of material in Milan! I strongly believe that relevant cultural references can bring people together. This relates partly to the work I’ve done on cross-cultural competence with Charles Hampden-Turner and Fons Trompenaars which you can find out more about on 100+ Management Models portfolio page.
Giving national flags human attributes is one effective way to embody cultural attitudes, and I’ve used this device on many occasions. Happily, I have a good memory for flags…
Happy Customers
Present complex information in a simple and compelling way…
Tell your story through simple images